Thursday, June 23, 2011

Windex is a great brand.

The photo above is my hand.  Holding a bottle of Windex®.

Not just any bottle of Windex® but Limited Edition Windex.  What's "Limited" about this Windex?

The label.  And what's so special about the label?  It has stylized sunglasses on it.

Think about this - by this weird work of nothingness, Windex has made a startling admission:  they've created the perfect product.  Nothing to improve.  No contests.  No 'decorator bottles.'   No 'easy applicators.'  No 'travel size.'   No nuthin'.

Not even a different COLOR LIQUID.

Nuthin' but a stinkin' label change.

In other words, Windex is the perfect brand.  There's nothing to improve, schlep, razzle-dazzle or discount other than...a headline.

If you hear that angelic hum coming from the horizon, far off, in the direction of the hallowed halls of Windex, Inc., know that the Marketing Department has been officially fired.

Perfection has occurred.

Gawd bless the Chemists.